Hope. We most often speak the word in place of "desire" or "want". We hope traffic is light. We hope to visit family this summer. We hope the medical report is favorable. We hope for a miracle. These secondary hopes, whether light or desperate desires, are often not much more than wishes. So often we long for good things–things we certainly can ask God for and things He may generously give to His children--but unlike true biblical hope, many of our longings are not certainties. Biblical hope is much deeper than simply wishing for something. Biblical hope is confident and sure. It knows the promise we place our hope in will come to fruition in God’s timing. This hope displays faith that God will certainly fulfill everything He has promised and that He is faithful. Biblical Hope is confident in both the word and the character of God. As I was preparing to teach on 1 Peter 1:3-9, a passage that so beautifully describes our Living Hope, I was struck by the Green word fo