You are not forgotten

Dear Hurting Heart,

I am writing to remind you of something very important. Something that I know that you know, but have forgotten in the midst of your heartache and despair. Something that you need to remember on the days when you ache. On the days when the rain begins to fall violently upon you, just when you thought that the sun was about to break through the clouds again.

You are not forgotten.

I need you remember this on the days when you feel angry. When you feel as if the whole world is out to get you. On the days when you ask, "Where is the hidden camera? Surely, this is not my life."

I need you to cling to this when you feel bitter. When you get caught in the dangerous snare of "why me". When you get caught in the net of comparison.

I need you to look to hold fast to this truth when you feel defeated. When you get knocked to the ground and stumble to regain your footing, as the world continues to move forward at rushing speeds.

I especially need you to remember this on the days that you feel worthless. Broken. Useless.

You are not forgotten.

God collects your tears. (Psalm 56:8)

As your heart breaks, he is near to you. You will face many afflictions, but he will deliver you from all of them. (Psalm 34:18-19)

You have been created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)

Before he formed you, God already knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5)

You were formed by God, intricately knitted together in your mother's womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-15)

You are so very precious to God. He knows you intimately. He knows how many hairs are on your head.  (Luke 12:6-7)

His steadfast love is as high as the heavens are from the earth, toward those who fear him. (Psalm 103:11)

God loved you so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for you...while you were still a sinner. (Romans 5:8)

God chose you for adoption. (Ephesians 1:5)

God lavishes his love on you. You are his precious child. (I John 3:1-2)

The angels rejoiced when you chose Jesus. (Luke 15:7)

Even if you are forsaken by the world, the Lord will never abandon you and will take you in. (Psalm 27:10)

If you have Christ, you are a conqueror. Nothing will separate you from the love of Christ! (Romans 8:37-39)

You can do all things through Christ's strength. (Philippians 4:13)

You are forgiven. (1 John 1:9)

You have been saved (Romans 9:9-10). You are covered by his grace. When God looks at you, He sees someone that has been justified and cleaned (1 Corinthians 6:11).

You are valuable. You are loved. You are of worth.

You are not forgotten.

With Love,
             Someone who needed to remind themself

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To the reader that doesn't get this "Jesus thing":
Dear Friend, You may have stumbled across this blog and have a lot of questions. I understand, I still ask tons of questions. You may not understand that God loves you. I forget this at times too. Yes, no matter what you've done! Do you know that Jesus spent time with sinners? (Matthew 9:11-13). We all have sin in our lives. Since we've sinned, we deserve death; a perfect God cannot be near imperfection and sin. The good news is that Jesus Christ died in our place, so that we would not have to die for our sin. Our sin was a major debt that we could not possibly repay; Jesus came to pay that price in our place. Anyone who confesses that Jesus is Lord and believes that he raised from the dead will be saved. It is a free gift (Romans 6:23). Following Jesus does not mean that you will never have any problems. Jesus said that his followers would have many trials in this world, but not to worry- He has overcome the world (John 16:33). If you're searching, I encourage you to keep up with your search. Ask a friend. Do some research. Reach out. I'd love to talk to you more about this if you have questions. With love, Someone who once thought this seemed too good to be true


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